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Hospital USM  |  Kampus Kesihatan


“Makmal perubatan Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (Hospital USM) bertekad untuk mengamal nilai profesionalisma demi memastikan tahap perkhidmatan makmal memenuhi kehendak pelanggan mengikut tahap antarabangsa. Makmal perubatan HUSM juga beriltizam untuk mengamal dan sentiasa menambahbaik sistem pengurusan kualiti ke arah kecemerlangan perkhidmatan dan kesejahteraan pelanggan ”

“The Hospital University Sains Malaysia (HUSM) medical laboratories are committed to practice good profesionalism and ensure the standard of laboratory services satisfies the expectation of customers in accordance with international standard. The laboratories pledge to maintain and continually improve its quality management system in order to ensure excellence in the provision of the laboratory services and patients’ safety ”.